Lifelong Learning Master´s in Arts and Cultural Management (English Programme) - Máster Universitario en Gestión Cultural

  • Imparte:
  • Modalidad:
    Presencial en Barcelona
  • Precio:
    9.329 €
  • Comienzo:
    Consultar rellenando el formulario
  • Lugar:
    Edificios Alfa y Beta Immaculada, 22 Edificios Gamma y Delta Terré, 11-19
    Barcelona 08017
  • Horario:
    Monday to Friday from 4.30pm to 8.30pm
  • Duración:
    60 ECTS
  • Idioma:
    El Master se imparte en Inglés
  • Titulación:
    Lifelong Learning Master´s in Arts and Cultural Management (English Programme) * This Master´s Degree is an official postgraduate qualification which has been adapted to the European Higher Education Area regulations, with an assessment carried out by the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (AQU Catalunya) and the National Evaluation Agency for Quality and Accreditation (ANECA). .

The UIC Barcelona´s University Master´s Degree in Cultural Management takes a practical approach and has a strong international outlook. Start your education as a cultural manager and position yourself in an emerging sector which generates jobs involving projects with an international impact.

At UIC Barcelona you will take a comprehensive look at the work processes of cultural services and products from an entrepreneurial perspective. You will look in greater depth into the work dynamics of the two specialisation tracks: visual arts and cultural heritage or creative cultural industries and you will acquire a polyvalent, multidisciplinary profile.

The classes will alternate with study visits, where you will have the opportunity to visit cultural institutions and facilities and learn from the people running them. You will also have access to master classes and workshops given by national and international experts.

To offer a reflection on the theory of culture in the 21st century and its social effects.
To provide instruction about the characteristic features of local, national and international cultural policies.
To teach students how to analyse a society´s cultural fabric and prepare a diagnosis of needs and opportunities.
To ensure students can apply management tools to the subjects of financing, financial management, human resources, marketing, communication, scheduling and production in relation to cultural events.
To encourage the acquisition of personal entrepreneurial skills.
To provide instruction about the specific management requirements of each cultural areateach students to evaluate cultural projects and programmes.
To immerse students in professional reality.
To introduce students to professional practice.
To encourage a sense of social responsibility and ethical commitment.

Module 1: Theoretical and Practical Principles for Cultural Management
October - December
Tools for Managing Culture
Cultural Marketing
Society and Culture in the 21st century
Cultural Institutions and Policies
Module 2: Tools for Cultural Management
January - March
Funding for Culture
Legal Aspects of Cultural Management
Cultural Communication
Creation of Cultural Companies
Module 3: Creativity and Cultural Entrepreneurship
January - June
Creation of Cultural Companies
Leadership, Culture and New Technologies
Module 4: Analysis and Management of Cultural Sectors
April – June
Visual Arts Management (Spanish)
Cultural Heritage Management (Spanish)
Curation Management and Exhibitions (Spanish)
Publishing Industry Management (English)
Audiovisual Industry Management (English)
Performing Arts Management (English)
Module 5: Internships in cultural companies and institutions
Module 6: Final Master’s Degree Project

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