Máster Estudios Avanzados en Educación en la Sociedad Global
> Presencial
Universidad de DeustoThe Master of Euroculture: Society, Politics and Culture in a Global Context: (Erasmus Mundus) is a unique interdisciplinary and inter-university programme. It aims to prepare graduates from Europe and third-countries for professions and research areas in which knowledge of present Europe and European Union institutions is of relevance.
The focus of the programme is on cultural and social developments, providing a good comprehension of the political processes of European integration, values, citizenship and cultural identity. The programme also addresses the challenges of the new Europe.
The European Commission has selected the Euroculture Programme for the Erasmus Mundus Master Courses. The Erasmus Mundus programme aims to enhance quality in European higher education and to promote intercultural understanding through co-operation with third countries. The Euroculture Programme is able to confer Erasmus Mundus scholarships for highly qualified third-country graduate students.
The programme consists of four semesters (120 ECTS) and is offered by a network of eight well-established European Universities. Students spend the second semester in one of the network universities and receive a joint/double diploma from the universities in which they have studied.
La construcción política de Europa
La construcción política de Europa
La construcción cultural de Europa
La construcción cultural de Europa
Eurocompetencias II
Eurocompetencias III
Eurocompetencias I
Programa Intensivo
Programa Intensivo
Seminarios de Investigación I
Seminarios de Investigación I
Seminarios de Investigación II
Seminarios de Investigación II
Seminario Metodológico y Preparación del Programa Intensivo
Seminario Metodológico y preparación del programa intensivo
Trabajo Fin de Máster
Trabajo Fin de Máster II
Due to the multi- and interdisciplinary nature of the Euroculture programme, its graduates find work in a broad variety of sectors where expert knowledge of present Europe and European integration processes is required. A number of our graduates have also undertaken further studies on doctoral level.
Our students develop the skills to facilitate collaboration in trans-national, multi-disciplinary networks. Graduates of the programme are highly qualified to perform in European-wide and EU related civil services, policy making positions, cultural management, journalism, international business.
To establish targets planning their process and controlling their final results.
To manage the process of objectives through the analysis of their different stages.
To establish innovative and challenging goals sharing them with other students to achieve them.
To generate and transmit new and innovative messages and contents.
To defend original and alternative ideas in situations familiar or unknown for the student.
To put forward solutions to practices which enhance the elaboration process of cultural messages and contents.
To set clear goals and objectives, and a clear plan of action to achieve them.
To contribute into the consolidation and development of team work, fostering task sharing.
To show great responsibility in the management of conflict and different viewpoints.
To keep energy and dynamism in task assignments under stressful and difficult situations.
To analyze critically the opinions expressed by others and their own judgments on the challenges and dilemmas posed by our contemporary world.
To achieve goals set under diverse circumstances.