• Imparte:
  • Modalidad:
    Semipresencial en Murcia
  • Precio:
    Consultar rellenando el formulario
  • Comienzo:
    Consultar rellenando el formulario
  • Lugar:
    Campus Universitario de Espinardo
    Murcia 30100
  • Idioma:
    El Master se imparte en Inglés
  • Titulación:
    Master in Risk Management

Choose whatever mode suits you best.

Blended. It combines classroom training once a month with live virtual classes.
Blended with stay. We merge the best of classroom and online training. Enjoy live online classes and a 3 week stay in the city of Murcia.

Any economic activity has an inherent risk. The future is ready for those companies and organizations that anticipate, identify needs and threats, foresee, and make strategic and operational decisions based on Comprehensive Risk Management. Knowing, studying, and evaluating the issues that can endanger the company is of utmost importance and a very valuable indicator for good corporate governance.

The objectives set by a company cannot be achieved without proper Risk Management, whether to detect problems or obstacles or to discover opportunities or competitive advantages. Risk Management is the science of predictability of results in favor of value maximization. With the Master’s Degree in Organizational Risk Management from ENAE Business School, we seek to train postgraduates specialized in identifying and treating risk, who are capable of performing well in this area, vital to any company.

Engineers, Auditors, Financial Analysts, Insurance Managers, and Attorneys
Media or technical resources seeking to make a professional leap and wanting to provide risk management to their company
Company executives seeking specialization and distinction

Company comprehensive risk management.
Implement a system of risk assessment and management within organisations, as well as a system of metrics.
Analyse and discriminate between different standards and methods of Risk Assessment, current models of behaviour at work and IT risks, as well as define and differentiate risks existing in the insurance and banking sector and their regulatory framework.
Identify costs and current financing alternatives in view of a growing and diverse risk scenario.
Apply ethics to questions related to the system of Value Generation, within the area of Corporate Social Responsibility.

Methodology of Analysis, Reporting and Decisions
Operational Supply Risk
Operational Support Risk
Risk Assessment and Appreciation
Control, Treatment and Mitigation
Risk Management in Public Administrations
Financial Risk Management
Risk Financing
Environment, Climate Change and Energy Transition
Capital Models and Solvency
Current Risk Topics
Alternative Risk Financing
Compliance Risks

Business plan
In the End of Master Project you can rely on teachers and experts from different disciplines in the international field for advice and supervision of the final work.

ENAE Business School offers you new opportunities to put into practice your knowledge and new experiences during the development of the final project.

Internship programme
With our internship programme you will be able to complete your training in companies in the European Union. A decisive step to boost your career by putting you at the head of a job of optimum qualification acquired for the management of international trade of any organization.

¡Infórmate ahora sin compromiso!


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