Universidad Rey Juan Carlos - URJCTo do research in the area of business organization and to learn practical tools to perform a better decision making at firms. The master allows the development of skills and training for the performance of research to prepare doctoral dissertations in the field of Business Organizations.
Los requisitos de acceso al título propuesto son según el artículo 16, del Real Decreto 1393/2007, modificado por el Real Decreto 861/2010, de 2 de julio:
Para acceder a las enseñanzas oficiales de Máster será necesario estar en posesión de un título universitario oficial español u otro expedido por una institución de educación superior perteneciente a otro Estado integrante del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior que faculte en el mismo para el acceso a enseñanzas de Máster.
Así mismo, podrán acceder los titulados conforme a sistemas educativos ajenos al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior sin necesidad de la homologación de sus títulos, previa comprobación por la Universidad de que aquellos acreditan un nivel de formación equivalente a los correspondientes títulos universitarios oficiales españoles y que facultan en el país expedidor del título para el acceso a enseñanzas de postgrado. El acceso por esta vía no implicará, en ningún caso, la homologación del título previo del que esté en posesión el interesado, ni su reconocimiento a otros efectos que el de cursar las enseñanzas de Máster.
Conditions or special admission test:
A B2 Level of English required
In case that is needed a special test will be taking place for the evaluation of the students’ curriculum by considering their professional experience and projection according to the Master’s objectives and their academic background.
The scoring notations for the evaluation of the curriculum will grade from 0 to 10, the professional experience weighs a 10%, the academic record weights a 20% and the student’s projection according to the Master’s objectives weighs a 20%. This last aspect is evaluated by means of a written proof of an hour to those applicants pre-inscribed. In the exam concrete questions dealing with a research paper are offered to students asking them about the opportunities, threads, strengths and weakness that the paper presents. The written proof weighs a 20% of the final mark, the English proof weighs another 20% of the final mark, and the personal interview weighs a 10% of the final mark.
The main objective of the program consists of the advanced training of students in the research techniques for the Business Organization field. It will allow students to be trained in the contents that will permit them to develop academic research of excellence and prepare them to the development of a Doctoral dissertation.
Strategy and Organization
Corporate Economics
Cooperation agreements in Research and Development
Strategies for business development
The impact of information technologies and systems on business results
Other lines of research in business organization
Final Master’s Thesis
General competences
CG01 – Basic skills for the managing of information oriented to research.
CG02 – Capability to explain the points of view and to analyze and value the alternatives in research papers.
CG03 – Ability to verify and integrate updated knowledge in the area of Business Organizations.
CG04 – Capability to apply knowledge to business in a creative way.
Transversal competences
CT04 – To acquire learning skills that allow studying in a self-managed and autonomous way.
CT01 – To apply the acquired knowledge and resolution capability to new environments or wider ones.
CT02 – To integrate knowledge and face the complexity to formulate value judges from an information that it is not completed or it is limited and includes reflections of social and ethical issues associated to the application of knowledge and judgements.
CT03 – To communicate conclusions to specialized or non-specialized areas in a clear way lacking of ambiguities.
CT05 – To develop a critical thinking perspective and the capability to perform analysis and syntheses from available information.