Centennial College - Toronto Graduate Certificate Program Supply Chain Management Logistics - Postgrado en Logística y Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro The Centennial College Supply Chain Management - Logistics program provides you with the necessary skills and business knowledge to be successful in the world of supply chain and logistics. With the business world stretching into the global marketplace, employers are actively seeking professionals with a combination of supply chain and logistics... Canadá Consultar 1 Año Consultar +info gratis
Bournemouth University Master Social Work (Children and Families) - Máster en Trabajo Social (Infancia y Familia) This fast-track social work course, with a focus on children, young people and their families, enables trainee social workers to build upon their existing knowledge and skills, and develop the expertise required for social work practice.... Reino Unido Septiembre 2026 14 Meses Consultar +info gratis
Centennial College - Toronto Graduate Certificate Hotel, Resort and Restaurant Management - Posgrado en Gestión Hotelera, Resorts y Restaurantes The Hotel, Resort and Restaurant Management program gives you the tools to answer the call of the dynamic and global hotel resort and restaurant industry. This industry will reward you with career opportunities in any destination around the world. Canada´s hotels, resorts and restaurants are world-renowned, and their standards have become global... Canadá Consultar 1 Año Consultar +info gratis
EU Business School Master in Tourism & Hospitality Management - Máster en Turismo y Dirección Hotelera An increasingly globalized world has led tourism to become one of the fastest growing industries in business today. Modern companies require academically qualified, visionary leaders to create new business models and understand changes in technology and consumer trends. Focusing on the development of executive skills and strategic aptitudes, this p... Barcelona Consultar 60 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
Bournemouth University PG Cert Enhanced Clinical Practitioner Apprenticeship - Postgrado en Aprendizaje de Práctica Clínica This 18-month apprenticeship will support you to gain an enhanced level of practice with specific knowledge and skills in a field of healthcare expertise, with the option to work towards either a Graduate Certificate or a PG Certification qualification... Reino Unido Septiembre 2025 18 Meses Consultar +info gratis
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - UAM Master Degree Erasmus Mundus in Urban Studies ’Four Cities’ - Máster Universitario Erasmus Mundus en Estudios Urbanos ’4 Ciudades’ 4CITIES is an international, interdisciplinary, immersive master programme in urban studies. Supported by Erasmus Mundus, its perspective is European while its context is global. Students learn to see the city, to hear it, to understand it, to engage it, and to choose their role in shaping it. European Urban Studies in a Global Age The interdis... Madrid Consultar 120 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
Centennial College - Toronto Graduate Certificate Program Project Management - Posgrado en Gestión de Proyectos Centennial College´s Project Management program provides you with the solid fundamental knowledge you need to manage projects in a timely and cost-effective manner. Fully licensed by the Project Management Institute as a Registered Education Provider, The Business School Graduate Certificate program is intended for applicants who previously comp... Canadá Consultar 1 Año Consultar +info gratis
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - UAM Máster Universitario Erasmus Mundus en Química Teórica y Modelización Computacional El Máster Universitario Erasmus Mundus en Química Teórica y Modelización Computacional es un programa de Máster de dos años de duración que ha sido diseñado por un consorcio internacional de nueve universidades con el fin de proporcionar un título común e integrado en una disciplina que tiene un carácter multidisciplinar y que, por lo tanto, necesi... Madrid Consultar 120 Horas Consultar +info gratis
Centennial College - Toronto Graduate Certificate Food Tourism - Posgrado en Turismo Gastronómico Tourism employs 1 in 10 people in the world, generates 10% of global GDP and is one of the fastest growing global industries. Many destinations experienced their best Tourism year ever in 2017, including Toronto, where visitors spent $8.8 billion in the local economy. Food and Beverage is the largest area of Tourism employment, accounts for 1/3 ... Canadá Consultar 1 Año Consultar +info gratis
Bournemouth University Master International Hospitality and Tourism Management - Máster en Hostelería y Turismo Internacional This multi-accredited conversion course will develop your critical understanding of the international hospitality and tourism industry with a managerial perspective. ... Reino Unido Septiembre 2025 1 Año Consultar +info gratis
Bournemouth University Master Mechanical Engineering Design - Máster en Diseño de Ingeniería Mecánica During this business-driven and dual accredited course you will apply your knowledge and a variety of models to solve engineering design problems. This course is accredited by the Institution of Engineering Designers (IED) and Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) as meeting the further learning requirement for Chartered Engineer (CEng) r... Reino Unido Septiembre 2025 1 Año Consultar +info gratis
Bournemouth University Master Social Work - Máster en Trabajo Social This Master’s degree is both an academic qualification and a professional qualification. As it is approved by Social Work England you’ll be eligible to apply for registration as a social worker on successful completion of the course.... Reino Unido Septiembre 2025 2 Años Consultar +info gratis
Bournemouth University Master Post Production Editing - Máster en Edición Postproducción Receive industry-standard training in state-of-the-art facilities and turn your ideas into reality. This course provides practical and theoretical opportunities for you to develop your narrative, technical and collaborative skills as an editor. ... Reino Unido Septiembre 2025 1 Año Consultar +info gratis
EU Business School Master in Tourism & Hospitality Management - Máster en Turismo y Dirección Hotelera An increasingly globalized world has led tourism to become one of the fastest growing industries in business today. Modern companies require academically qualified, visionary leaders to create new business models and understand changes in technology and consumer trends. Focusing on the development of executive skills and strategic aptitudes, this p... Alemania Consultar 60 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
Bournemouth University Master MA Sound Design for Screen - Máster en Sonido para Medios Audiovisulaes The first UK university to offer an MA in Sound Design providing a blend of practical and theoretical learning to develop the creative, technical and collaborative skills you need to work professionally in the film, TV, games and VR industries. ... Reino Unido Septiembre 2025 1 Año Consultar +info gratis
Universidad de Oviedo Máster de Formación Permanente en Geominería (CHILE) Temario: MÓDULO 1. Aspectos históricos, espaciales, poblacionales, patrimoniales, turísticos y jurídicos La minería en la historia: motor de cambios espaciales y poblaciones ayer, patrimonio cultural y recurso turístico hoy. Formación jurídica aplicada a la Geominería. MÓDULO 2. Aspectos geológicos Geología general: conocimientos básicos de estratigra... Chile - Semipr. Consultar 60 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
Akademie der Ruhr Universitat Master of Science in Management of Smart and Sustainable Energy Systems - Gestión de Sistemas Energéticos Inteligentes y Sostenibles Our internationally oriented Master’s program in Sustainable Energy Systems offers you the unique opportunity to acquire in-depth knowledge and valuable skills that are more in demand than ever in today’s globalized world. The program focuses on business, economic, and energy market issues – topics directly linked to the challenges and trends shapi... Alemania 01/10/2025 18 Meses 12.750 € 14.985 € +info gratis
Bournemouth University Master Biodiversity Conservation - Máster en Conservación de la Biodiversidad Learn about all the latest developments in conservation science on this accredited course, taught in a biodiverse hotspot on the Dorset coast. ... Reino Unido Septiembre 2025 1 Año Consultar +info gratis
Bournemouth University Master Sport Management - Máster en Gestión Deportiva Advance your knowledge of the processes that have contributed to the emergence of sport as a global phenomenon and learn to critically assess and act on the implications for the future development and management of sport. ... Reino Unido Septiembre 2025 1 Año Consultar +info gratis
Bournemouth University Master Engineering Project Management - Máster en Ingeniería Gestión de Proyectos Develop an understanding of project management methods and tools, and how to employ them in the planning and execution of projects, as well as becoming fully aware of engineering design methods and tools. ... Reino Unido Septiembre 2025 1 Año Consultar +info gratis
Bournemouth University Master Sport Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship - Gestión de la Innovación y el Emprendimiento en el Deporte This course will develop you into a lateral thinker, giving you the ability to approach entrepreneurship with enthusiasm and success.... Reino Unido Septiembre 2025 1 Año Consultar +info gratis
Universidad de Oviedo Máster de Formación Permanente en Neurociencias (Chile) El Título Propio de Máster en Neurociencias tiene una duración de dos años, organizado en cuatro semestres con un total de 90 créditos ECTS (equivalente a 2250 horas). El plan de estudios se va a impartir en tres sedes diferentes de Chile (Santiago, Temuco y Talca). El número mínimo de alumnos para que el Máster se imparta en cada sede será de 15. ... Chile - Semipr. Consultar 90 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
Bournemouth University Master Strength and Conditioning - Máster en Fuerza y Acondicionamiento Físico Strength and conditioning coaches are critical contributors to athletic training. You will develop industry standard practical skills whilst applying cutting edge scientific knowledge, to optimise performance and mitigate the risk of injury.... Reino Unido Septiembre 2025 1 Año Consultar +info gratis
Universidad de Oviedo Máster de Formación Permanente en Geotecnia Minera (Perú) Temario: MÓDULO I: Fundamentos de Geotecnia Mecánica de Suelos Aplicada a la Ingeniería Hidrogeología Minera Geofísica Aplicada a la Ingeniería Geología Aplicada a la Ingeniería Mecánica de Rocas Aplicada a la Ingeniería MÓDULO II: Geomecánica en Taludes y Open Pits Estabilidad de Taludes con Mecanismos de Rotura controlados por Discontinuidades E... Perú - Semipr. Consultar 60 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
Centennial College - Toronto Graduate Certificate Program Arts Education and Community Engagement - Posgrado en Educación Artística y Participación Comunitaria Arts Education and Community Engagement is a two-semester Graduate Certificate program designed to ladder students into careers in arts education and community arts. Students will learn how to design arts educational programming that is pedagogically sound and that meets the needs of diverse communities. Students will apply best practices of co... Canadá Consultar 1 Año Consultar +info gratis
Universidad de Oviedo Máster de Formación Permanente en Investigación y Gestión de Emergencia y Desastre (CHILE) Temario: SEMESTRE 1 Metodología de la Investigación y sistemas de información en emergencia y desastre Salud Pública internacional y Emergencias Evaluación y gestión del riesgo SEMESTRE 2 Sistemas de emergencia y respuesta a desastres Estudio de los diferentes tipos de desastres Tesis fin de Master... Chile - Semipr. Consultar 60 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
Bournemouth University Master Disaster Management - Máster en Gestión de Catástrofes This course will prepare you with advanced knowledge and skills to lead on disaster management. Learn risk reduction, resilience strategies and develop major incident management systems that respond to, and help recovery from a range of disasters. ... Reino Unido Septiembre 2025 1 Año Consultar +info gratis
Universidad Complutense de Madrid Máster Oficial Erasmus Mundus en Física Nuclear NucPhys is a 2-years Erasmus+: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree programme in Nuclear Physics (120 ECTS). The programme started in 2017-2018 as an Erasmus Mundus / Erasmus+ Master Course of the European Union. This initial project has been running for three intakes. Then a new improved proposal was financed by the EACEA within the Erasmus Mundus ... Madrid Consultar Consultar Consultar