• Imparte:
  • Modalidad:
    Semipresencial en Sevilla
  • Precio:
    10.000 €
  • Comienzo:
    Enero 2026
  • Lugar:
    Campus EOI Sevilla.
    C/ Leonardo da Vinci, 12.
    Sevilla 41092
  • Horario:
    Thursday and Friday 17h to 19h & 19:15h to 21:15h
  • Duración:
    12 Meses
  • Titulación:
    Mining and Raw Materials MBA

To ensure a sustainable standard of living, today’s modern society is totally dependent on Raw Materials. The ambitious goals for a green transition cannot be realized unless there is a sustainable and secure supply of raw materials together with the human capital needed to reach the desired end-use products.

There is no doubt that the resulting unprecedented demand for Raw Materials must be met to a large extent through the extraction and beneficiation of mineral Raw Materials. With the correct appropriate management, mining and mineral processing can bring sustainable positive benefits to the host regions without jeopardizing the environment or the local communities. Based on today’s advances in technology and changes in management techniques, mining-generated wealth can improve the quality of life, bringing opportunities for sustainable economic growth, employment, and diversification.

Companies dedicated to the mining of all kinds , of rocks, Industrial minerals and metals as well as their respective downstream treatment plants, while maintaining their respective viability, are making huge efforts to minimize the footprint of their activities throughout the mining cycle, including the reduction in the environmental impact, strict ESG adherence, true decarbonization, energy efficiency, etc.

As a result, as the global demand for Raw Materials increases so will the demand for qualified professionals with a sound understanding of how to secure a sustainable long-term supply within the Raw Materials sector.

The Mining & Raw Materials MBA offers students an opportunity to embrace the operational, business, and commercial principles and best practices related to the sustainable extraction, processing, and end-use application of Raw Materials.

Fluency in English Language is essential.

Top University graduates (preferably engineering degree), who want to develop executive skills and obtain knowledge that will allow them to successfully pursue their professional careers in the most demanding companies.

MBA.01- Business Economic Environment
World Economic Situation
Concepts of Macroeconomics

MBA.02- Business Strategy & Organization
Business Strategy: Introduction
Strategic Analysis
Techniques and Tools for Strategy Decision Making
Strategic Implementation
Structure and Organization
Business Game (online)

MBA.03- Corporate Finance & Management Control
Introduction to Finance (online hours)
Introduction to Finance
Cost Analysis
Financial Perspective
Time Value of money
Financial Statements Forecasts
The Company Valuation
Decision Making
Risk Analysis
Advanced Financial Tools

MBA.04- Commercial & Marketing Management
Introduction to Marketing
Market Analysis
Value Proposition
Product and Pricing Strategy
Branding and Communication
Customer Experience
Digital Marketing
Commercial Management
International Marketing
Channel Strategy

MBA.05- Digital Transformation
Digital transformation
Big Data and Business Analytics

MBA.06- Human Resources & Management Skills
HHRR Management and Administration
Team Work
Effective Presentations
Professional Negotiation

MBA.07- Operations
Operations Overview
Operations Key Functions
Industrial Organizations Control
Lean Manufacturing and Operational Excellence
Project Management

MBA.08- Business Design & Lean Startup
Business Models Design and Lean Startup
Mining and Raw Materials MBA Project


MRM.S.01- The Mining and Raw Materials in the Global Economy
History of Mining & Raw Materials
Industry Characteristics of Metals & Industrial Minerals
Discovery & Production of Raw Materials
Relationship between Producers & Consumers
EU & R.O.W. Regulations & Legislation
World diversity of Raw Materials
Company Visit

MRM.S.02- Mining Life Cycle
Mineral Processing
Safety & Health
Company Visit

MRM.S.03- Responsible Mining & Raw Materials Development
Business Strategies for Sustainability
Environmental, Social & Economic Value
Circular Economy
Societal Demands & Concerns
Decarbonization in the Raw Materials Sector

MRM.S.04- Corporate Finance
Financing Structures & Strategies
Mineral Project Evaluation
Cash Flow Modelling, P/L & Balance Sheet
Investment & Portfolio Management
Economic Evaluation: Risk vs. Uncertainty

MRM.S.05- Marketing & Business Fundamentals
Marketing & Sales
Supply/Demand Balances
Commodities & Futures Exchanges
Logistics & Distribution

As part of your training, you will carry out a Master Project in group that will be presented to a panel of investors and business advisors. This project will allow you to put into practice all the knowledge of the MBA and apply them to a real business plan through the methodology ´Lean Startup´ of entrepreneurship.

Throughout the MBA, and especially with the project, you will enhance your ability to make decisions and expose your arguments in a clear and structured manner. You will also learn to work in teams and meet different milestones in the established deadlines.

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