Private Master’s Degree in Sports Nutrition – Escuela Universitaria Real Madrid Universidad Europea

  • Imparte:
  • Modalidad:
  • Precio:
    Consulta los descuentos y ayudas al estudio disponibles
  • Comienzo:
  • Lugar:
    Se imparte Online
  • Duración:
    60 ECTS
  • Condiciones:
    Flexibilidad de pago.  Ayudas al estudiante de alto rendimiento.  Ayudas por continuación de estudios.  Ayudas por simultaneidad de estudios.  Ayudas por tener un familiar en la Universidad Europea.  Becas de la Universidad Europea.  Becas Oficiales.
  • Idioma:
    El Master se imparte en Inglés
  • Titulación:
    Private Master’s Degree in Sports Nutrition

Specialise in sports nutrition at Real Madrid Graduate School. Become an expert in nutrition for top level athletes, will learn to use tools for assessing body composition in athletes to carry out nutritional planning.

On this master’s, you’ll learn from some of the most pioneering professionals in research and advancement in nutrition. By the time you finish the programme, you’ll be able to understand and integrate nutrition in the development of physical exercise programmes, enhancing performance and recovery in athletes.

The Masters is aimed at students coming from different areas of physical activity, nutrition or health who wish to specialise and train in sports nutrition to promote interdisciplinary work.

You will apply the principles of sports nutrition to plan the diet of an athlete with the aim of optimising their health, their sports performance, and their body composition.
You will understand and analyse the characteristics of the physical preparation and training of athletes, to be able to work in a coordinated way with nutritional planning, body composition, and relevant health aspects.
You will learn to use tools for assessing body composition in athletes to carry out nutritional planning.
You will plan the hydration practices for different athletes.
You will be trained to develop nutritional work to prevent or recover from sports injuries.
You will understand the mechanisms of acute and chronic inflammation and their integration with sports development, as well as proper management from nutritional work.
You will understand the concept of chronobiology, chrononutrition and its relationship with sleep and recovery of the athlete, being able to integrate it into nutritional work.
You will know the physiology of the digestive system, the intestinal microbiota, and the most common pathologies in athletes to treat them from a nutritional point of view.

Module 1: Nutrition for sports performace and body composition

Module 2: Training and physical preparation of atheltes

Module 3: Hydration, electrolytes, dehydration, heat conditions and adaptation

Module 4: Nutritional supplements, functional foods and ergogenic aids

Module 5: Nutrtition for prevention and treatment of sports injuries

Module 6: Inflamation, sleep and chrono nutrition in sport performance & biomarkers interpretation in athletic population

Module 7: Digestive system, microbiota, gut training in sports performance

Module 8: Nutrition for specific aports population

Module 9: Practical cases

Module 10: Final Project

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