University Master’s Degree in Entrepreneurial Financing: Venture Capital and Private Equity - Financiación Empresarial: Capital Riesgo y Capital Privado

  • Imparte:
  • Modalidad:
    Presencial en Barcelona
  • Precio:
    11.609 €
  • Comienzo:
    Consultar rellenando el formulario
  • Lugar:
    Edificios Alfa y Beta Immaculada, 22 Edificios Gamma y Delta Terré, 11-19
    Barcelona 08017
  • Horario:
    From Monday to Friday, from 3 to 9pm
  • Duración:
    60 ECTS
  • Idioma:
    El Master se imparte en Inglés
  • Titulación:
    Oficial University Master’s Degree in Entrepreneurial Financing: Venture Capital and Private Equity

In today´s macroeconomic context, the venture capital and private equity industries are becoming an increasingly popular alternative source of funding for companies. In this regard, the Master´s Degree in Entrepreneurial Financing: Venture Capital and Private Equity will provide the knowledge you need on these alternative entrepreneurial financing models.

You will also have the chance to study in Barcelona, a hub for start-ups and home to numerous entities specialising is transaction services, corporate finance, venture capital and private aquity, and which support and finance the development of new companies.

At UIC Barcelona, we want to promote an enterprising spirit and the creation of companies in our society with this predominantly practical international programme ytaught entirely in English.

This Master’s degree is for you if:

You are a recent graduate of an undergraduate degree.
You are a junior professional
You would like to your career to move towards setting up a new business, developing a new concept or business area within a specific company.
If you want to specialise in alternative entrepreneurial financing models.

To identify and quantify risks in the area of transaction services via an analysis of the position of the company and the identification of the most important factors.

To improve your education and guide your professional career in the area of corporate finance, thus increasing your employability and opportunities to work in this sector.

To develop skills and abilities in order to be able to take on a position in the private equity sector or in companies that are open to international markets.

To master the venture capital investment cycle as well as the specific methodologies and typologies involved in financial modelling.

To guide you towards the creation of a new company or increase the intrapreneurial ability of a company by searching for new business models.

Entrepreneurship, Strategy & Business Modelling
Private Equity - Advanced Corporate Finance
Technology, Innovation & Leadership
Venture Capital - Entrepeneurial Financing
Final Master’s Degree Project
In-Company Work Placement

Venture capital and Private Equity funds
Transaction service departments and corporate finance positions in auditing firms and financial consultancy firms.
Venture capital and private equity departments in investment banks.
Jobs in strategic consultancy and finance companies.

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