EU Business School MBA - Global Banking & Finance - MBA en Banca y Finanzas Globales This major covers a diverse range of areas in the finance industry, from the financial organization, operation and challenges of the economy at large to issues of financial management in firms and financial institutions. This program equips candidates with the analytical foundation and the necessary tools to deal with important practical issues wit... Barcelona Consultar 90 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
CESTE Escuela Internacional de Negocios MBA Gestión Sanitaria – Master of Business Administration | Gestión de Servicios de Salud Factores como la situación sanitaria actual y la separación entre la financiación y la prestación de servicios han favorecido la puesta en marcha de nuevas fórmulas de atención a la gestión dentro de las instituciones sanitarias. La especialización del MBA Gestión Sanitaria te preparará profesionalmente para liderar el desarrollo de medidas adec... Presencial-Streaming Consultar 90 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
CESTE Escuela Internacional de Negocios MBA Gestión Sanitaria – Master of Business Administration | Gestión de Servicios de Salud Factores como la situación sanitaria actual y la separación entre la financiación y la prestación de servicios han favorecido la puesta en marcha de nuevas fórmulas de atención a la gestión dentro de las instituciones sanitarias. La especialización del MBA Gestión Sanitaria te preparará profesionalmente para liderar el desarrollo de medidas adec... Zaragoza Consultar 90 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
EU Business School MBA - Leisure & Tourism Management - MBA en Dirección de Turismo y Ocio Tourism is the fastest growing industry in today’s business world and companies continue to require academically qualified managers to give them a competitive edge in this highly competitive and thriving sector. This major explores the advanced theories, practices and business models that make up the tourism and leisure field. Focusing on the devel... Suiza Consultar 90 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
EU Business School MBA - International Marketing - MBA en Marketing Internacional The marketing of products and services is an important aspect of any business. Understanding consumers’ needs and effective delivering a company’s offer are key to its success. This program provides the framework for understanding markets, competitors, product portfolios and consumer behavior from an international perspective. You will learn about ... Online Consultar 90 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
Universidad Loyola Máster Universitario en Asesoría Jurídica de Empresas + Máster Universitario en Business Administration El Doble Máster Universitario en Asesoría Jurídica de Empresas + MBA te preparará para enfrentar la complejidad del día a día empresarial, aplicando con criterio las normas legales pertinentes a cada uno de los acontecimientos que suceden en una empresa. Con una metodología 100% práctica, obtendrás una comprensión integral de los aspectos empres... Sevilla Consultar 131 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
Universidad Pontificia Comillas Máster Universitario en Administración y Dirección de Empresas (MBA) El Máster Universitario en Administración de Empresas está dirigido a aquellos estudiantes o profesionales que quieren llevar a cabo una carrera profesional exitosa en el ámbito de la gestión y la dirección de organizaciones. Está organizado por la Facultad ICADE. El programa de este máster tiene una duración de un año a tiempo completo y pone en ... Madrid Consultar 60 ECTS 27.535 € +info gratis
ESDEN Business School MBA en Dirección de Empresas de Moda FULL TIME El programa MBA de ESDEN Business School en Dirección de empresas de Moda ha sido concebido y diseñado por directivos con amplia experiencia profesional, que han tenido en cuenta en su creación todas las cualidades que ellos exigirían a un candidato para colaborar en tareas de dirección o asumir responsabilidades en la gestión. En ESDEN Business... Madrid Octubre 2025 9 Meses Consultar +info gratis
Bournemouth University Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Máster en Dirección de Empresas Developed in response to the needs of businesses, this course has been carefully tailored to take your career to the next level. Learn how to operate as a global leader who understands responsible business practices in an increasingly changing environment ... Reino Unido Septiembre 2025 Consultar Consultar +info gratis
EU Business School MBA in Digital Business - MBA en Negocios Digitales The success of a business today depends heavily on its online presence. Accordingly, an increasingly digital workforce is one of the fastest growing and most in-demand assets in modern industries. The digital business program prepares you to thrive in an online playing field, examining a broad range of topics from online architecture to UX, while c... Online Consultar 90 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
EU Business School MBA - Global Banking & Finance - MBA en Banca y Finanzas Globales This major covers a diverse range of areas in the finance industry, from the financial organization, operation and challenges of the economy at large to issues of financial management in firms and financial institutions. This program equips candidates with the analytical foundation and the necessary tools to deal with important practical issues wit... Alemania Consultar 90 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
EU Business School MBA - Sports Management - MBA en Gestión Deportiva The sports market is a multibillion dollar industry, experiencing rapid expansion in regions like China, Russia, South America and the Middle East, opening many doors to those with a specialized skill set. This is an interdisciplinary program designed to teach management within areas such as; sports marketing and management, sports advertising and ... Suiza Consultar 90 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
CMI Business School MBA en Turismo Sostenible. Presencial Full Time Un programa de excelencia, único, verdaderamente transformador e innovador para desarrollar al máximo sus talentos y habilidades para una dirección consciente de empresas y organizaciones en el sector turístico. La metodología didáctica es innovadora, la más especializada y avanzada, usando una combinación experiencial adecuada de teoría, práct... Madrid Consultar 60 ECTS 10.741 € 11.835 € +info gratis
INSA- Business, Marketing, & Communication School MBA en Dirección de la Pequeña y Mediana Empresa Objetivos: El objetivo general de este programa es dar a los participantes unos conocimientos, unas herramientas y unas habilidades, que faciliten las actuaciones futuras de sus participantes en el análisis de problemas y la toma de decisiones en los ámbitos de responsabilidad de la gestión empresarial... Barcelona Octubre 2025 300 Horas 4.600 € +info gratis
CESTE Escuela Internacional de Negocios Executive Master In Business Administration - Administración de Empresas El programa Executive MBA de CESTE incrementará el conocimiento del participante sobre la empresa a nivel global internacional incorporando las últimas tendencias y novedades. Desarrollará y fortalecerá sus competencias clave llevando al participante al autoconocimiento de sus habilidades de liderazgo y otras necesarias para la toma de decisiones. ... Presencial-Streaming Consultar 1 Año Consultar +info gratis
EU Business School MBA - Entrepreneurship - MBA en Emprendimiento Growing businesses need to adapt to environmental and technological changes. This major prepares you for the challenges of establishing and growing a business in today’s dynamic climate. We will help you build the framework for your new venture and provide you with the skills necessary to become an entrepreneur. By graduation, you will develop key ... Online Consultar 90 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
EU Business School MBA in Digital Business - MBA en Negocios Digitales The success of a business today depends heavily on its online presence. Accordingly, an increasingly digital workforce is one of the fastest growing and most in-demand assets in modern industries. The digital business program prepares you to thrive in an online playing field, examining a broad range of topics from online architecture to UX, while c... Suiza Consultar 90 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
EOI-Escuela de Organización Industrial Executive MBA Green & Tech (Sevilla) El Executive MBA de EOI es una oportunidad para tu crecimiento profesional y personal, en un momento donde la velocidad a la que se devalúan las habilidades y conocimientos adquiridos hace que necesites moverte al ritmo de las nuevas exigencias del mercado.... Sevilla Octubre 2025 10 Meses Consultar +info gratis
EU Business School MBA - Global Banking & Finance - MBA en Banca y Finanzas Globales This major covers a diverse range of areas in the finance industry, from the financial organization, operation and challenges of the economy at large to issues of financial management in firms and financial institutions. This program equips candidates with the analytical foundation and the necessary tools to deal with important practical issues wit... Suiza Consultar 90 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
EU Business School MBA in Digital Communication - MBA en Comunicación Digital The skills required for communication and public relations have been drastically redefined with the advance of social and digital media. Professionals in the field are required to coordinate increasingly complex public relations campaigns and define intricate strategies and micro-targets to ensure that an organization’s key messages reach its key t... Barcelona Consultar 90 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
EU Business School MBA (Project Management) - MBA en Gestión de Proyectos The Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a pathway in project management is a one-year three-semester full-time program (90 ECTS). In addition to acquiring advanced skills in business management, strategy and other key business disciplines, this EQF level 7/NFQ level 9 program with a pathway in project management provides innovative knowle... Alemania Consultar 90 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
EU Business School MBA in Digital Business - MBA en Negocios Digitales The success of a business today depends heavily on its online presence. Accordingly, an increasingly digital workforce is one of the fastest growing and most in-demand assets in modern industries. The digital business program prepares you to thrive in an online playing field, examining a broad range of topics from online architecture to UX, while c... Alemania Consultar 90 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
CESTE Escuela Internacional de Negocios MBA – Master of Business Administration | Energías Renovables y Eficiencia Energética Con el MBA en Energías Renovables y Eficiencia Energética además de adquirir una gran base en gestión empresarial y una visión en conjunto de las empresas y corporaciones, profundizaremos en las diferentes tecnologías de la industria energética y la descarbonización y digitalización en edificios industriales.... Zaragoza Consultar 90 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
EU Business School MBA - International Marketing - MBA en Marketing Internacional The marketing of products and services is an important aspect of any business. Understanding consumers’ needs and effective delivering a company’s offer are key to its success. This program provides the framework for understanding markets, competitors, product portfolios and consumer behavior from an international perspective. You will learn about ... Barcelona Consultar 90 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
CESTE Escuela Internacional de Negocios MBA – Master of Business Administration | Marketing Digital El Máster en Dirección de Empresas (MBA) te aportará una visión estratégica y global de la parte directiva de una empresa y te enseñará a integrar los medios digitales en sus estrategias de marketing y comunicación, conociendo las mejores técnicas para la promoción de productos y servicios a través de los principales canales de distribución digital... Presencial-Streaming Consultar 90 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
EU Business School MBA - Sports Management - MBA en Gestión Deportiva The sports market is a multibillion dollar industry, experiencing rapid expansion in regions like China, Russia, South America and the Middle East, opening many doors to those with a specialized skill set. This is an interdisciplinary program designed to teach management within areas such as; sports marketing and management, sports advertising and ... Barcelona Consultar 90 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
EU Business School MBA in Digital Communication - MBA en Comunicación Digital The skills required for communication and public relations have been drastically redefined with the advance of social and digital media. Professionals in the field are required to coordinate increasingly complex public relations campaigns and define intricate strategies and micro-targets to ensure that an organization’s key messages reach its key t... Online Consultar 90 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
EU Business School MBA (Cloud Computing) The Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a pathway in Cloud Computing is a one-year three-semester full-time program (90 ECTS). In addition to acquiring advanced skills in business management, strategy and other key business disciplines, this EQF level 7/NFQ level 9 program with a pathway in Cloud Computing provides innovative knowledge in ... Alemania Consultar 90 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
EAE Business School Barcelona MBA & AI Track - FULL TIME Our MBA & AI Track is EAE Barcelona’s flagship programme, designed to accelerate the transformation of professionals and entrepreneurs with intellectual restlessness, global ambition and a desire to have an impact on the world. This programme combines an international and multidisciplinary approach with the development of skills that are essenti... Barcelona Octubre 2025 60 ECTS Consultar +info gratis
EU Business School MBA - International Marketing - MBA en Marketing Internacional The marketing of products and services is an important aspect of any business. Understanding consumers’ needs and effective delivering a company’s offer are key to its success. This program provides the framework for understanding markets, competitors, product portfolios and consumer behavior from an international perspective. You will learn about ... Suiza Consultar 90 ECTS Consultar +info gratis